Three members of NEU blockchain pose for a photo as they stand behind the club's table at a Northeastern club fair.

Northeastern Blockchain Organization

Educating and contributing to the blockchain community

The Northeastern Blockchain Organization promotes discussion and education around cryptocurrency and blockchain technology through hands-on learning experiences such as speaker events and the creation of research articles. The club aims to create a vibrant blockchain ecosystem at Northeastern that enables greater innovation, research, and development for the industry.

The club’s 50 members build research, technical, and developmental skills as they learn about blockchain. They do this by writing research articles, performing technical work, and creating and participating in speaker events and co-op opportunities. The club also participates with the L2 blockchain ecosystem Optimism off-chain.

To join Northeastern Blockchain Organization is to collaborate and learn from a multitude of passionate and knowledgeable leaders, developers, and industry professionals in the blockchain space. The community is new and exciting, and the club is filled with uplifting and eager individuals

Varshini Sundaresan, vice president

Process to join

Application and interview for e-board positions and club tracks

Club details



Degree level

Undergraduate and graduate students

Club advisor

Ravi Sarathy


Mondays 6–7 p.m. in 109 Robinson

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