
Across Northeastern's global network, Khoury College's students, faculty, and staff are discovering, collaborating, and innovating, and their stories can be found here. Check Khoury News and Northeastern Global News for student and faculty achievements and stories, and Khoury in the Media for faculty perspectives on the day's news.

Showing 10 of 1553 results

  • Biological detectives use Big Data to track disease progression

    • August 8, 2016

    Just as inves­ti­ga­tors use evi­dence to recon­struct crime scenes, North­eastern data sci­en­tist Olga Vitek hunts down and ana­lyzes mol­e­c­ular changes that drive dis­eases to recon­struct their bio­log­ical “crime scenes.” The evi­dence she com­piles in her mas­sive datasets leads to ear­lier diag­noses and more effec­tive treatments.

    Olga Vitek
  • There’s probably way more zika in the United States than has been counted

    • August 4, 2016

    “CDC is doing a great job, but it is really hard to detect cases,” said Alessandro Vespignani, one of the authors of the paper. The federal agency is faced with an exceedingly difficult task, in part because it is cobbling together data from various monitoring systems in different states and jurisdictions. The nature of the virus presents additional challenges, making it more complicated to track than other epidemics. “You have to ingest much more data and deal with another level of complexity as well as other sources of uncertainties,” Vespignani said.

    Alessandro Vespignani
  • Vespignani & team project Zika’s growth and spread

    • August 2, 2016

    The news comes on the heels of new research by North­eastern pro­fessor Alessandro Vespig­nani that can help coun­tries in the Amer­icas plan a response. The new study, along with inter­ac­tive maps, pro­vides cur­rent num­bers as well pro­jec­tions for the number of Zika cases in the Amer­icas through Jan­uary 2017. It also pro­vides pro­jec­tions for the number of micro­cephaly cases asso­ci­ated with the dis­ease through October 2017, a date chosen to allow for the nine months of preg­nancy. Micro­cephaly is a serious neu­ro­log­ical birth defect char­ac­ter­ized by a smaller than normal head.

  • Quitting Engineering to Code

    • July 30, 2016

    By Shandana Mufti After earning undergraduate and graduate degrees in environmental engineering followed by several years working in the field, Isabel Su (MSCS ’16) needed a new challenge. She’d already […]

    Isabel Su
  • Northeastern receives global recognition in career services

    • July 27, 2016

    Northeastern’s renowned Career Devel­op­ment depart­ment has earned global recog­ni­tion for its work meeting stu­dents’ needs in career ser­vices and job preparation. The uni­ver­sity received the No. 1 Global Career Ser­vices […]

Showing 10 of 1553 results