News Category: Corporations & Industry

Showing 10 of 59 results

  • CCIS ALIGN Student wins Facebook Seattle Student Hackathon

    • November 25, 2015

    When breaking into the competitive tech industry, you can’t be afraid to dive in head first. That’s what motivated Jenny Wu, a Computer Science ALIGN graduate student, to attend the Facebook Seattle: Student Hackathon on October 16.

    Jenny Wu
  • NASA robot comes to CCIS and COE

    • November 18, 2015

    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has awarded experimental robots to Northeastern University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where engineers will try to teach the human-shaped machines to do useful work in space.

    Valkyrie robot
  • Cloud Computing, cybersecurity, and the Internet of Things

    • October 30, 2015

    Pres­i­dent Joseph E. Aoun on Thursday hosted EMC Cor­po­ra­tion Chairman and Joseph Tucci and Amit Yoran, pres­i­dent of RSA, EMC’s secu­rity divi­sion, for an engaging dis­cus­sion about trends in high […]

  • Co-op testimonial: Ranjita Bhattacharyya

    • October 1, 2015

    Co-op provides a break from classes and an opportunity to apply classwork to ‘the real world.’ And for some, it can also provide a job offer. Just ask 2015 grad […]

  • CCIS grad tackles Boston’s roommate struggles

    • September 1, 2015

    Renting in Boston is no joke. On top of dealing with pushy brokers, tyrannical real estate management companies and one of the country’s most expensive rental markets, there are also […]

  • CCIS professor chairs three conferences this summer

    • September 1, 2015

    This summer has been a busy one for CCIS’ Guevara Noubir. The professor, who has been at Northeastern since 2001, chaired two computer science conferences in June, with a third in Italy slated for September. The first conference, an International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, was hosted by the Institute […]

    Guevara Noubir

Showing 10 of 59 results