News Category: General
Showing 10 of 736 results
Media Coverage Roundup: Research says phone apps may be spying on us
A new study by a team of CCIS researchers that tested 17,260 Android apps does little to dial down fears about smartphones acting as spying devices. Here is a sampling […]
Assistant Professor Dr. Long Lu Secures $3 Million ONR Grant For Research Proposal
by Christian Stafford Dr. Long Lu, an assistant professor of computer science has recently been awarded a $3 million grant from the Office of Naval Research (ONR) for his project […]
CCIS students inspired by conference for graduate women in computing
By Erica Yee Though female computer scientists may often feel underrepresented in their field, they were very much in the majority at a recent conference for graduate students. The Computing […]
Showing 10 of 736 results