News Category: General
Showing 10 of 736 results
Data Transparency Lab: David Choffnes tells us about the current status of Recon
As we move about the world with our mobile devices, companies are constantly gathering information about us. Part of the job of the Recon project is to understand what information […]
Northeastern recruits top cybersecurity expert from Google to lead new institute
Northeastern has recruited a top cybersecurity expert from Google to lead the university’s new institute for cybersecurity and privacy research and education. John Manferdelli, engineering director at Google, will head […]
Not just sci-fi: professor builds virtual humans, simulators to mimic our behavior
Will scientists ever be able to simulate the full range of human behavior? And if they could, how could those models help us better understand ourselves? These questions don’t propel the plot of the newest blockbuster sci-fi film; instead they’ve served as the seed for professor Stacy C. Marsella’s research—and he’s getting closer to answering them.
CCIS Students attend exclusive Google Crash Course
By Christian Stafford Several Northeastern students had the recent honor of attending the Google Machine Learning Crash Course at Google’s Cambridge office. “The crash course was a two-day interactive exploration […]
CCIS undergraduate and graduate students’ research showcased at NU Talk 2017
By Christian Stafford Three Northeastern students – representing the college of Computer and Information Science and the Bouvé College of Health Sciences, presented their research on various topics at this […]
Co-ops lead to a job in the fashion industry
By Julia Renner The only way a product can reach a consumer “is if there’s an entire life cycle of technology behind it,” says Theresa Aristarco, who graduated from Northeastern […]
Showing 10 of 736 results