News Category: General

Showing 10 of 736 results

  • Quitting Engineering to Code

    • July 30, 2016

    By Shandana Mufti After earning undergraduate and graduate degrees in environmental engineering followed by several years working in the field, Isabel Su (MSCS ’16) needed a new challenge. She’d already […]

    Isabel Su
  • Northeastern receives global recognition in career services

    • July 27, 2016

    Northeastern’s renowned Career Devel­op­ment depart­ment has earned global recog­ni­tion for its work meeting stu­dents’ needs in career ser­vices and job preparation. The uni­ver­sity received the No. 1 Global Career Ser­vices […]

  • Coast-​​to-​​coast collaboration targets food security

    • July 22, 2016

    A team of 20 grad­uate stu­dents at North­eastern University’s Boston and Seattle cam­puses spent the spring semester working together, col­lab­o­rating via Skype, GitHub, and Google Hang­outs to build a soft­ware plat­form aimed at con­necting stake­holders in the aquaponics farming community.

    Project Feed
  • Building a better computer bug finder

    • July 7, 2016

    A paper detailing the research was presented at the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy and was published in the conference proceedings. Technical staff members of the MIT Lincoln Laboratory led the technical research: Patrick Hulin, Tim Leek, Frederick Ulrich, and Ryan Whelan. Collaborators from Northeastern University are Engin Kirda, professor of computer and information science; Wil Robertson, assistant professor of computer and information science; and doctoral student Andrea Mambretti

  • When should hacking be legal?

    • July 6, 2016

    The four professors bringing the lawsuit are conducting research into racial and other discriminatory biases in online services. One pair of researchers—Christian Sandvig, of the University of Michigan, and Karrie Karahalios, of the University of Illinois—is examining real-estate websites, and the other pair—Alan Mislove and Christo Wilson of Northeastern University—is looking at hiring websites.

  • Algorithms are everywhere – How do they work?

    • June 30, 2016

    By Shandana Mufti We take technology for granted. We expect low prices on goods purchased through Amazon, and we expect cars requested through Uber to show up promptly. We think […]

    Christo Wilson

Showing 10 of 736 results