News Category: General

Showing 10 of 736 results

  • Northeastern News Interviews Ian Gorton | New Seattle Director of Computer Science

    • July 13, 2015

    On June 1, Ian Gorton began his new role as director of com­puter sci­ence pro­grams at North­eastern University–Seattle. Gorton has 25 years of expe­ri­ence working in the soft­ware industry, acad­emia, and gov­ern­ment labs in the United States and Aus­tralia, and he comes to North­eastern from the Carnegie Mellon Uni­ver­sity Soft­ware Engi­neering Insti­tute.

  • Dean Carla Brodley | In Seattle, leaders talk strategies to diversify tech sector

    • June 19, 2015

    National experts and leaders from industry and acad­emia con­vened Tuesday morning at North­eastern University-​​Seattle to dis­cuss strate­gies and oppor­tu­ni­ties to broaden the pipeline of women and minori­ties in the tech­nology industry. More than 130 stake­holders from across Wash­ington state attended the panel dis­cus­sion, which was mod­er­ated by Carla Brodley, dean of the Col­lege of Com­puter […]

  • Speech Startup VocaliD Creates Personalized Voices With Crowd’s Help

    • June 16, 2015

    Losing the ability to speak is harrowing, and particularly poignant in conditions such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (known as ALS), stroke, or cerebral palsy. Yet many who can’t speak still can make some sounds with their voice—think gleeful yelps of joy or sorrowful shrieks of pain. Those sounds are key to the work of Rupal Patel and […]

    Rupal Patel
  • How Congress sees the world, in charts

    • June 11, 2015

    This week is a big one for America’s global relations. While Congress started hashing out whether to hand the president authority to finish the largest trade deal in history, Obama was wrapping up the G-7 economic summit in Germany. Beneath the talking points, what are America’s real priorities when it comes to the rest of […]

    A map showing locations served by Tailored for Education
  • Take 5: The impact of Web personalization

    • June 10, 2015

    Christo Wilson, an assis­tant pro­fessor in the Col­lege of Com­puter and Infor­ma­tion Sci­ence at North­eastern Uni­ver­sity, dis­cussed the ins and outs of Web per­son­al­iza­tion on Monday after­noon in the Raytheon Amphithe­ater. His lec­ture marked the latest install­ment in the Minds over Mat­ters: NUterm Fac­ulty Speaker Series, which fea­tures weekly pre­sen­ta­tions from top fac­ulty scholars who […]

    Christo Wilson
  • CCIS Professors Honored Before Retirement

    • June 1, 2015

    Professors Harriet Fell and Viera Proulx of the College of Computer and Information Science were honored at separate receptions hosted by Dean Carla E. Brodley ahead of their retirements. Fell […]

    Harriet Fell and Viera Proulx

Showing 10 of 736 results