Megan Hofmann

Assistant Professor

Megan Hofmann

Research interests

  • Human–computer interaction
  • Personal health informatics
  • Accessibility
  • Digital fabrication


  • PhD in Human–Computer Interaction, Carnegie Mellon University
  • MS in Human–Computer Interaction, Carnegie Mellon University
  • BS in Computer Science, Colorado State University


Megan Hofmann is an assistant professor in the Khoury College of Computer Sciences at Northeastern University, based in Boston.

Hofmann teaches accessibility for people with disabilities, human–computer interaction, digital fabrication, and rapid prototyping methods. Her research areas include human–computer interaction and personal health informatics.

Hofmann has published in and presented at CHI, UIST, ASSETS, and CSCW and has received multiple awards, including MIT EECS Rising Star, Siebel Fellow, CMLH Fellow, NSF GRFP Fellow, ACM SIGCHI CHI Conference best paper awards and honorable Mentions, and an ACM SIGACCESS Assets Conference best paper award.

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