Robin Walters
Robin Walters is an assistant professor at Khoury College. He leads the Geometric Learning Lab, where his research explores the role symmetry can play in developing data-efficient, trustworthy deep learning models.
Mitchell Wand
Mitchell Wand is a professor emeritus and part-time lecturer at Khoury College. His interests center around the semantics of programming languages and issues of compiler correctness, and he has published over 120 papers and three books on the subjects.
Huihui Wang
Huihui Wang is a teaching professor at Khoury College, and a director of computing programs for the Arlington campus. Her research examines challenges and opportunities for computing education in the third wave of artificial intelligence, and she enjoys helping students without undergraduate CS degrees to thrive in her computing foundations courses.
Dakuo Wang
Dakuo Wang is an associate professor at Khoury College. He is also an ACM Distinguished Speaker and gives talks around the world on his research into human-centered AI (HCAI) systems.