Daniel Wichs
Daniel Wichs is a professor at Khoury College. An expert in modern cryptography, Wichs researches all aspects of the field, including its theoretical foundations and its applications to information security. Wichs’ work was recognized in 2018 with the prestigious Sloan Research Fellowship, which honors early-career scholars whose achievements mark them among the top scientific minds.
John Wilder
John Wilder is a part-time lecturer at Khoury College, and a research associate at the University of Toronto’s Department of Psychology. He is interested in the intersection of computer science and cognative psychology, exploring topics like computer vision and neural networks.
Christo Wilson
Christo Wilson is an associate professor and associate dean of undergraduate programs at Khoury College. His research, which draws on computational, political, and economic methods, delves into the data, security, and privacy issues at the heart of our internet use.