Stephen Intille

Professor, Interdisciplinary with Bouvé College of Health Sciences

Stephen Intille

Research interests

  • Personal health informatics
  • Interactive, mobile sensing
  • Machine learning
  • Behavioral theory and measurement


  • PhD in Media Arts and Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • SM in Media Arts and Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • BSE in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Pennsylvania


Stephen Intille is a professor in the Khoury College of Computer Sciences and the Bouvé College of Health Sciences at Northeastern University, based in Boston.

Intille's research focuses on the development of novel health care technologies that incorporate ideas from ubiquitous computing, user-interface design, pattern recognition, behavioral science, and preventive medicine. He is interested in human–computer interface technologies that measure and motivate health-related behaviors, and especially how algorithms that recognize everyday activity can drive the development of interactive technologies that support healthy aging and well-being. Intille also analyzes mobile technologies that permit longitudinal measurement of health behaviors and areas of human activity.

Intille has published research on computational stereo depth recovery, real-time and multi-agent tracking, activity recognition, perceptually-based interactive environments, and technology for health care. He has been the principal investigator on sensor-enabled health technology grants from the NSF, the NIH, private foundations, and industry.

In 1999, Intille received his PhD from MIT, where he worked on computational vision at the MIT Media Lab for five years. After ten years as technology director of the House_n Consortium at MIT, Intille joined Northeastern in 2010 to establish a new interdisciplinary PhD program in personal health informatics.


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